Tag Archives: Ethnicity

SEN News Bites: May 12-18


World Affairs Council (12/05/2014) features a video recording of a talk by Paul Taylor, the executive vice president of the US-based think tank Pew Research Center, discussing the implications of America’s changing demographics for the future of American national identity.

Ma’an News Agency (14/05/2014) features a piece on the recent rallies of Palestinians based in northern Israel calling for the right of return for refugees.

Voice of America (14/05/2014) and South China Morning Post (17/05/2014) feature articles on the widespread and destructive riots targeting ethnic Chinese in Vietnam.

Reuters (15/05/2014) reports on anti-immigrant protests in the Russian town of Pushkino northeast of Moscow following the arrest of an Uzbek man suspected of killing one of the local residents.

Voice of America (15/05/2014) reports on the decision of an association of ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia to cancel a planned anti-Chinese protest.

The Christian Science Monitor (15/05/2014) features an opinion piece on the ways to productively address ethnic conflict in Myanmar.

Afrobarometer (16/05/2014) reports the key findings of a recent survey of public opinion on the conflict in northern Mali.

Reuters (18/05/2014) reports on the first ever ethnic Chinese leader taking over governance of the Indonesian capital Jakarta.



 News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News Bites: May 5 -11

Here’s another roundup of some of the news related to ethnicity and nationalism found on the web this week. Keep an eye on this blog for weekly updates!


NBC News (05/05/2014) reports the results of new research indicating that 10 million Americans, especially Hispanics, as well as Americans of mixed race, American Indians and Pacific Islanders, changed their race or Hispanic-origin categories when filling out the 2010 census.

The Independent (06/05/2014) reports the results of a newly published report by the think tank Policy Exchange suggesting that the numbers of people from ethnic minority communities in Britain could double by 2050 totalling between 20 and 30% of the population.

SETimes.com (07/05/2014) features an article linking the unveiling of a monument to Pope John II in Sarajevo to multi-ethnic politics and reconciliation.

Ahramonline (07/05/2014) reports on the protests of members of the Oromo community in Cairo over the killings of many ethnic Oromos in Ethiopia.

Myanmar’s Newsmagazine The Irrawady (09/05/2014) features an article detailing the concerns of ethnic Chin organisations in Myanmar over the question of ethnicity in the country’s recent national census.

WantChinaTimes.com (09/05/2014) reports on the ANC’s campaigning strategies among the ethnic Chinese community in South Africa during the electoral campaign in the run up to the country’s elections last week.

Hungarian website Politics.HU (10/05/2014) features a brief report on the Hungarian state secretariat’s preparation of a teaching-aid package for Hungarian diaspora Sunday schools.

Reuters (10/05/2014) reports on the pledge by the newly re-elected Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban to stand up for autonomy for ethnic Hungarians beyond borders.

The Indian Express (11/05/2014) reports on the campaign of local activists in the state of Tripura in north-east India to promote Roman script for Kokborok, the native tongue spoken by many of the tribes in that state.

News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News Bites: April 28 – May 4, 2014

Here is a roundup of some of the news on nationalism and ethnicity we’ve found on the web this week. Look out for our weekly updates!

The Guardian (28/04/2014) and The UN News Centre (01/05/2014) report on the intensifying intercommunal tensions and deteriorating security situation in the Central African Republic.

Radio Free Asia (28/04/2014) reports on the hurdles involved in negotiating a ceasefire deal, as well as the proposed formation of a federal union on behalf of different ethnic groups in Myanmar.

News.az (29/04/2014) reports on the protests held by representatives of Turkish and Azerbaijani diasporas in the Netherlands against the opening of a monument to the Armenian Genocide in the city of Almelo.

The Prague Post (30/04/2014) features an article on a recent march in Bratislava in support of an ethnic Hungarian woman accused of having made up a  story about an attack by Slovak nationalists.

News Bureau Illinois (30/04/2014) features a brief introduction to CREG – a newly launched publicly available research database aimed at bringing together different sources of  information on ethnic and religious groups across the world to create a more complete picture.

BBC News (01/05/2014)  features a piece on the Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s recent visit to the troubled Xinjiang region reflecting on prospects for stronger ethnic cohesion in the region.

RT.com (03/05/2014) reports on three outbreaks of ethnic violence in the northeast Indian state of Assam.

The Irish Times (04/05/2014) reports on the concern expressed by Sinn Fein leader, Gerry Adams, over the potential damage that his arrest may do to policing in Northern Ireland.


News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

Article Spotlights

articlespotlight From the SEN archives, this week’s Article Spotlights focus on nationalism and the nature of its manifestation in two of its – very different – contemporary arenas, Ukraine and Sc0tland.

The current situation in Crimea is at its heart the result of an incongruence of territorial and ethno-cultural boundaries, and Roel Jennissen’s article considers the historical background and contemporary implications (as of 2011) of ethnic population movement in Central and Eastern Europe in those regions formerly occupied by the Habsburg and Ottoman Empires and Nazi Germany.

Roel Jennissen, Ethnic Migration in Central and Eastern Europe: Its Historical Background and Contemporary Flows, Volume 11, Issue 2,  October 2011, pp. 252-270. 

This article aims to describe the historical background of international ethnic migration in Central and Eastern Europe. The rise and fall of the Habsburg Empire in Central Europe and the Ottoman Empire in Southeastern Europe has been the underlying cause of many ethnic migration flows in Central and Eastern Europe in the post-communist era. Moreover, the German Ostkolonisation, border changes after the two World Wars, and interstate migration in the former Soviet Union caused a large pool of potential ethnic migrants. In addition to the description of this historical background, this article contains a description of important contemporary ethnic migration flows that originate from the aforementioned historical developments, and a discussion of future developments of ethnic migration in Central and Eastern Europe.

Claire Sutherland’s article focuses specifically on its contemporary manifestations as a political ideology:

Claire Sutherland, Calculated Conviction: Contemporary Nationalist Ideology and Strategy, Volume 6, Issue 1, March 2008, pp. 69-89. 

The article is intended as a contribution to nationalism theory, one which analyses nationalism as a political ideology. It sets out to theorise how contemporary nationalist parties as agents and strategists of ideology go about mobilising loyalty to the nation. Although strategy and tactics appear to play an ever-increasing role in party politics, this trend is understood here as a form of renewal rather than a rejection of ideology. I contend that nationalism theory must be updated in the light of multi-level governance. Theoretical approaches to contemporary nationalism must take into account its strategic flexibility in the face of changing state, sub-state and supra-state relationships. The article argues that the multi-faceted concept of ideology is a useful tool for investigating both nationalist principles and strategy. The work of Michael Freeden (1998; 1999) is used to unpack ideology’s heuristic potential. After having established strategic thinking as an inherent and necessary component of nationalist ideology, the final part of the paper focuses on nationalist party strategy. It turns to Albert Hirschman’s (1970) typology of exit, voice and loyalty to identify and compare contemporary nationalist party strategies as a response to the changing dynamics of state politics. The analysis applies the relationships Hirschman builds between these concepts to the realm of territorial politics. It thereby complements Freeden’s theory of ideology in characterising and classifying nationalist party responses to their evolving political environment.

SEN News on Sunday: April 4 – 13, 2014

We’ve taken a break for a few weeks, but here’s a roundup of some of the more interesting news on nationalism and ethnicity that we’ve found on the web this week:

SNP logo

  • The Independent (13/04/14) reports that the Russian version Google Maps has already recorded the Crimea region as being part of Russia.
  • BBC News (12/04/14) features a history of the Scottish National Party, which became an octogenarian this month.
  • WHQR Radio (10/04/14) provides a glimpse into life in Perewalsk, a Ukrainian town on the Russian border, and the mixed feelings of nationalism in which locals feel.
  • The New York Times (09/04/14) explores the evidence which supports the argument that the British Government has increasingly revoked the citizenship of those it deems as terrorists.
  • Stanford News (04/04/14) features an article which argues that nationalism still endures in the U.S. and Asia in their historical memories of the Second World War.



News compiled by Karen Seegobin.

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.