Tag Archives: ethnic minorities

SEN News Bites: 1-7 December 2014


NBC News (02/12/2014) reports on plans to conduct field tests for the 2020 Census in the US, particularly with regard to how to design questions on race and ethnicity which are generating a lot of debate.

American Thinker (05/12/2014) features an opinion piece reflecting on issues of legitimacy in relation to the Israeli state and the challenges this contention poses for national identity.

my Republica (06/12/2014) reports on Nepal’s official opposition to ethnicity-based federalism based on the nation’s presumed inability to sustain this institutional arrangement.

The Guardian (07/12/2014) reports the key findings of and reflects on a recently published report by the British Equalities and Human Rights Commission on the current position of different racial groups and ethnic minorities in Britain.

The Japan Times (07/12/2014) features an opinion piece on the role of national remembrance and the politics of memorialisation in the relations between East Asian nations.


News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk


SEN News Bites: 17-23 November 2014





Times Higher Education (18/11/2014) reports the results of recent research documenting the continued marginalisation and underrepresentation of ethnic minorities and women in top positions in UK universities.

Russia Today (18/11/2014) features an extended summary of a recent interview with the Russian President, Vladimir Putin in which he warned about the dangers of radical nationalism and Russophobia in Ukraine.

Deutsche Welle (18/11/2014) features a piece containing a brief historical retrospective of the fate of the ethnic German minority population in Romania.

The New York Times (22/11/2014) features an article on the policies and ethnic background of the governor of Jakarta, Indonesia who is only the second Christian of Chinese ancestry to ever occupy this post.

Nonvinite.com (22/11/2014) features an opinion piece on the role and limits of ethnic and religious tolerance in the policies of the newly elected government in Bulgaria.

Global Post (22/11/2014) reports on the recent deterioration of Armenian-Azeri relations in relation to the disputed territory of Nagorno-Karabakh.


News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News Bites: 15-26 October 2014



The Guardian (15/10/2014) features an opinion piece on the recent ‘football war’ between Serbia and Albania and the implications it might have for longer-term peace in the Balkans.

I24News (20/10/2014) reports the results of a new survey, according to which five of the seven Middle Eastern countries surveyed identified religious and ethnic hatred as the top threat to the world.

Salon (23/10/2014) reports the results of new research linking climate change and violence, including ethnic violence and ethnic riots.

Tass (Russian News Agency) (24/10/2014) summarises a recent speech by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in which he advocated a separation between extreme nationalism and the promotion of national interests.

Deutsche Welle (24/10/2014) reports the key findings of a new report analysing the obstacles and challenges of creating a new sense of national identity for Myanmar’s Rohingya community.

The New Indian Express (26/10/2014) reports on the release of a new stamp in India commemorating the 150th birth anniversary of Anagarika Dharmapala, considered to be an iconic figure behind the revival of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism.

The Peninsula (26/10/2014) announces the release of a new documentary (to be shown in Doha) highlighting forced disappearances in Sri Lanka from the 1980s up to recent times.



News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News Bites: 30 September – 6 October 2014


HRmagazine.co.uk (02/10/2014) reports on the launch of a Race for Opportunity national campaign designed to address the persistent underrepresentation of ethnic minorities in leading business positions in the UK.

ABC News (03/10/2014) reports on a marked increase in plastic surgery procedures among ethnic minorities in the US and reflects on how these cosmetic operations might be linked to attempts to erase ethnic identity.

Myanmar Times (03/10/2014) reports on the confusion between religion and ethnicity in the recent Myanmar census and confirms the delayed publication of the sensitive, ethnicity-related data in May 2015.

William and Mary News (06/10/2014) features an interview with Professor Eric Han reflecting on the history and development of the Chinese community and a distinct Chinese identity in Yokohama.

BizCommunity.com (06/10/2014) features an opinion piece on the relationship between the road to democracy and national holidays in South Africa.

The Japan Times (06/10/2014) features a piece on the capacity of Lebanon to act as a model for managing cultural diversity, pluralism and combatting radicalism in divided societies.


News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.


SEN News Bites: 1-7 September 2014



BBC News (03/09/2014) reports on the active encouragement of ‘ethnic unity’ in Xinjiang through the deliberate promotion and incentivisation of mixed marriages.

University of Oregon web community page (03/09/2014) features a report on a new art exhibition to be opened at the university museum and dedicated to exploring the interaction between genetics, race, ethnic identity and disease in 20th century America.

Huffington Post UK (04/09/2014) features an extended piece on the difficult fate and sufferings of the indigenous Hazara ethnic community in Afghanistan, especially under the Taliban regime.

New Statesman (05/09/2014) features a piece on the role and influence of Gaelic Games, and national sports more broadly, on Irish national identity.

The New Yorker (05/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the prospects and challenges of liberal Zionism in the Israeli peace camp.

Want ChinaTimes (06/09/2014) reports the results of a recent poll indicating that around 87% of Taiwanese think of themselves as belonging to the ethnic Chinese community.

The Economist (06/09/2014) features a piece on the possible diffusion and influence of Ukraine’s crisis on the already unstable security situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.

News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.