Tag Archives: conflict

SEN News Bites: 15-26 October 2014



The Guardian (15/10/2014) features an opinion piece on the recent ‘football war’ between Serbia and Albania and the implications it might have for longer-term peace in the Balkans.

I24News (20/10/2014) reports the results of a new survey, according to which five of the seven Middle Eastern countries surveyed identified religious and ethnic hatred as the top threat to the world.

Salon (23/10/2014) reports the results of new research linking climate change and violence, including ethnic violence and ethnic riots.

Tass (Russian News Agency) (24/10/2014) summarises a recent speech by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in which he advocated a separation between extreme nationalism and the promotion of national interests.

Deutsche Welle (24/10/2014) reports the key findings of a new report analysing the obstacles and challenges of creating a new sense of national identity for Myanmar’s Rohingya community.

The New Indian Express (26/10/2014) reports on the release of a new stamp in India commemorating the 150th birth anniversary of Anagarika Dharmapala, considered to be an iconic figure behind the revival of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism.

The Peninsula (26/10/2014) announces the release of a new documentary (to be shown in Doha) highlighting forced disappearances in Sri Lanka from the 1980s up to recent times.



News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News Bites: 7-14 October 2014




Your Middle East (09/10/2014) features an opinion piece reflecting on the challenges facing United Arab Emirates citizens in their efforts to preserve and stay true to their national identity.

Daily Sabah (10/10/2014) reports on the nationalist overtones of the recent contestations in the Turkish Parliament following Parliament’s approval of the decision to send troops to Syria and Iraq.

Ottawa Citizen (10/10/2014) reports the key results of a recent study into ethnic media coverage during recent Canadian elections.

Euronews (11/10/2014) and Gulfnews.com (12/10/2014) report on the resurgence of nationalism, divisions and the influence of the economic situation on the recent election campaign in Bosnia.

Nigerian Post (14/10/2014) features a summary of a speech by the Bishop of Abuja on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Church of Nigeria focusing on ways to combat ethnic divisions, tribalism and the absence of unity among Nigerians.

Deutsche Welle (14/10/2014) features a series of short interviews with Irish emigrants reflecting on how they feel about their national identity.



News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News Bites: 23-29 September 2014


Inside Higher Education (24/09/2014) reports the results of a study published in Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology journal suggesting that black women are more likely than white women to show an interest in studying the so called STEM disciplines when they enter college.

The New York Times (25/09/2014) features a piece exploring the possible radicalising influence that the jailing of an Uighur economist is likely to have on further activism in the region.

AllAfrica.com (26/09/2014) summarises a recent speech made by Rwanda’s President, Paul Kagame, emphasising the value and importance of physical security and national identity to conflict resolution and peace building efforts.

The Voice of America (26/09/2014) reports on the conflict in South Sudan taking on distinct ethnic overtones.

The Economist (27/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the impact of the Scottish referendum on the future of politics in the United Kingdom.

The New York Times (29/09/2014) reports on a photographic exhibition at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art documenting life in unrecognised states around the world.

The Irrawaddy (29/09/2014) reports on renewed clashes between the government and ethnic rebels in Mon state in Myanmar.

News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.



SEN News Bites: May 19-25

Here’s the latest round of news found on the web this week!


File photo of a Palestinian mosque razed by Israel


FijiOne (19/05/2014) reports on ministers’ plans to introduce national identity cards in Papua New Guinea.

Novinite.com (20/05/2014) reports on continuing ethnic unrest in Macedonia following a stabbing in the suburbs of the Macedonian capital.

World Lebanese Cultural Union website (20/05/2014) features an opinion peace on Lebanese intangible heritage and national identity.

Eurasia Daily Monitor (21/05/2014) features an opinion piece on contemporary national identity in Belarus.

 Joseph Rowntree Foundation (22/05/2014) features a summary of the results of research conducted in selected areas of the UK looking at the influence of location on employment for ethnic minorities.

The Huffington Post (22/05/2014) reports on a deadly bombing and continuing tensions in China’s troubled Xinjiang region.

The Council of Europe website (22/05/2014) features a podcast of a recent talk by Sweden’s Equality Ombudsperson, Agneta Broberg, on the dangers of police monitoring of the Roma community in Sweden.

Middle East Monitor (23/05/2014) reports on the bombing of a Palestinian mosque in the Negev village of Wadi al-Niam amidst local residents’ fears that demolition could spread to homes.

Radio Free Asia (23/05/2014) reports on the agreement reached between Myanmar government peace negotiators and representatives from a coalition of armed ethnic rebel groups, and on the subsequent adoption of a draft document.


News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News Bites: May 12-18


World Affairs Council (12/05/2014) features a video recording of a talk by Paul Taylor, the executive vice president of the US-based think tank Pew Research Center, discussing the implications of America’s changing demographics for the future of American national identity.

Ma’an News Agency (14/05/2014) features a piece on the recent rallies of Palestinians based in northern Israel calling for the right of return for refugees.

Voice of America (14/05/2014) and South China Morning Post (17/05/2014) feature articles on the widespread and destructive riots targeting ethnic Chinese in Vietnam.

Reuters (15/05/2014) reports on anti-immigrant protests in the Russian town of Pushkino northeast of Moscow following the arrest of an Uzbek man suspected of killing one of the local residents.

Voice of America (15/05/2014) reports on the decision of an association of ethnic Vietnamese in Cambodia to cancel a planned anti-Chinese protest.

The Christian Science Monitor (15/05/2014) features an opinion piece on the ways to productively address ethnic conflict in Myanmar.

Afrobarometer (16/05/2014) reports the key findings of a recent survey of public opinion on the conflict in northern Mali.

Reuters (18/05/2014) reports on the first ever ethnic Chinese leader taking over governance of the Indonesian capital Jakarta.



 News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.