Featured weekly article: Split Allegiances: Cultural Muslims and the Tensions Between Religious and National Identity in Multicultural Societies

Split Allegiances: Cultural Muslims and the Tension Between Religious and National Identity in Multicultural Societies

By Liza Hopkins and Cameron McAuliffe

Volume 10, Issue 1, pages 38-58, April 2010



Second generation Australians from a Muslim background have appeared on the political radar recently as a group at risk of disengagement due to their potentially split allegiances. For these young Australians, the traditional tension over diasporic allegiances between the homeland and the country in which they live is further complicated by religious identity. This paper offers two case studies of the second generation of two mainly Islamic, but otherwise very different, ethnonational communities in Australia, Turkish and Iranian. It examines the responses of these groups to the rising essentialisation and ethnicisation of Islam, at the expense of ethnic and sociocultural difference. In particular, the paper focuses on the way secular practice and religious identity converge into ‘cultural Islam’. We use the term cultural Islam as a way of describing those, particularly of the second and third generations in Australia, who proudly claim their Islamic heritage while choosing not to participate actively in religious life.

Read the full article here.

Featured weekly article: Continuity and Change in the Minority Policies of Greece and Turkey

Continuity and Change in the Minority Policies of Greece and Turkey

By Georgios Niarchos

Volume 6, Issue 1, pages 30-48, March 2006



This paper examines the policies of Greece and Turkey towards their respective national minorities, as defined in the Treaty of Lausanne. Although since 1923, both minorities have been repressed by their governments, the intensity, the instruments and the outcomes of such repression have been different in the two countries. The study explores the conduct of anti-minority policies by reference to major Greek-Turkish crisis events, which often served as pretexts for minority repression.

Existing studies on Greek-Turkish affairs mainly focus on the events of the Greek-Turkish war, 1919–1923 and the 1923 population exchange. On the other hand, there is an often-polemical bibliography from both sides on current issues. Though minority issues also form part of the debate, the arguments are often limited to a comparative narrative of repressive acts, aiming to demonstrate the faults and sins of the ‘other’ side. This paper aims to contribute to the current literature, by developing a more sober analysis of the minority policies of the two countries that is both comparative in nature and historically informed.

Hence, the present paper examines the elements of continuity and change in the implementation and development of minority policies in Greece and Turkey, aiming to explain the differences in the intensity, instruments and outcomes of their application. In this context, the present study argues that the disparities in the process of nation-building and the development of nationalism in Greece and Turkey constitute the reasons for the different development of their minority policies and the current condition of their respective minorities. The variables that are examined include the content of nationalist ideology, the different phases of its development, the main tools for its implementation and repression of minority ‘voices’ and the external factors that influence the two countries in the implementation of their policies.

Read the full article here.


SEN Journal: Books Available for Review

The following books are available for review. Please contact the Reviews team at sen.reviews@lse.ac.uk if you are interested in reviewing one.



Keeping the Faith

Keeping the Faith: Syriac Christian Diasporas.

Sean Kingston Publishing, 2013

Armbruster, Heidi




Formations of US Colonialism

Formations of United States Colonialism

Duke University Press, 2014

Goldstein, Alyosha (ed)




Crossing Boundaries during Peace and Conflict

Crossing Boundaries during Peace and Conflict: Transforming Identity in Chiapas and in Northern Ireland

Palgrave Macmillan, 2014

Hoewer, Melanie



Brooklyns Sunset Park

Making a Global Immigrant Neighborhood: Brooklyn’s Sunset Park

Temple University Press, 2014

Hum, Tarry



Coercive Concern: Nationalism, Liberalism and the Schooling of Muslim Youth

Stanford University Press, 2014

Jaffe-Walter, Reva



Adoptive Migration


Adoptive Migration: Raising Latinos on Spain

Duke University Press, 2013

Leinaweaver, Jessaca B.




Nationalism, Language and Muslim Exceptionalism

Nationalism, Language and Muslim Exceptionalism

University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015

Mabry, Tristan James




The Other Zulus

The Other Zulus: The Spread of Zulu Ethnicity in Colonial South Africa

Duke University Press, 2012

Mahoney, Michael R.




Catholicism and Nationalism

Catholicism and Nationalism: Changing Nature of Party Politics

Routledge, 2015

Meyer Resende, Madelena




Dividing the Nile

Dividing the Nile: Egypt’s Economic Nationalists in the Sudan, 1918-1956

AUC Press, 2014

Mills, David E.




Cuba’s Racial Crucible: The Economy of Social Identities, 1750-2000

Indiana University Press, 2015

Morrison, Karen Y.




Imperial Blues

Imperial Blues. Geographies of Race and Sex in Jazz Age New York

Duke University Press, 2014

Ngô, Fiona I. B





Tales, Rituals and Songs: Exploring the Unknown Popular Culture of a Greek Mountain Village [a new translation of a 90-year-old monograph]

Holy Cross Orthodox Press

Nitsos, Nikolaos



The Struggling State: Nationalism, Mass Militarization and the Education of Eritrea

Temple University Press, 2016

Riggan, Jennifer


Mestizo Genomics 

Mestizo Genomics: Race Mixture, Nation and Science in Latin America

Duke University Press, 2014

Wade, Peter et al. (eds)



The Color of Modernity

The Color of Modernity. Sao Paulo and the Making of Race and Nation in Brazil

Duke University Press, 2015

Weinstein, Barbara


The Emergence of Iranian Nationalism: Nationalism, Race and the Politics of Dislocation

Columbia University Press, 2016

Zia-Ebrahimi, Reza




Newly added!


Making Morocco: Colonial Intervention and the Politics of Identity

Cornell University Press, 2015

Wyrtzen, Jonathan




Ethnic Conflict and Protest in Tibet and Xinjiang

Columbia University Press, 2015

Hillman, Ben and Tuttle, Gray




Featured weekly article: Institutions, Identity and Unity: The Anomaly of Australian Nationalism

Institutions, Identity and Unity: The Anomaly of Australian Nationalism

Joseph M. Parent

Volume 7, Issue 2, pages 2-28, March 2008



Why has Australia not produced a viable separatist movement? This non-event is all the more striking compared to the separatism experienced by the United Kingdom, United States, and Canada, among others. Individually or combined, the major paradigms cannot explain separatism or its absence. This paper advances an elite persuasion argument and contends that success of separatist movements depends on the conditions in which elites appeal for autonomy. Specifically, five conditions are necessary for a viable separatist movement: 1) cultural differences, 2) economic incentives, 3) security, 4) concentrated minority settlement patterns, and 5) favourable domestic institutions. The analysis focuses on a comparison between Australia and Canada, but has implications for other separatist and potentially separatist areas.

Read the full article here.

Amazigh Culture and Media: Migration and Identity in Songs, Films and Websites

Amazigh Culture and Media: Migration and Identity in Songs, Films and Websites

Abdelbasset Dahraoui

(Department of Media Studies, Universiteit van Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2014)

Supervisors: Patricia Pisters and Daniela Merolla


Dr. Abdelbasset Dahraoui was born in Morocco in 1976 and received his master’s degree in cultural analysis from The University of Amsterdam in 2006. On 29 April 2014, he successfully defended his Ph.D.  thesis from the department of Media Studies from the same university. Currently, he is a member of the advisory committee of The Prince Bernhard Culture Fund [Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds], The Hague, The Netherlands and member of the advisory board of Africa Book Link [Boechout, Belguim].


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Dissertation abstract

Five decades ago, the exodus of Amazigh people from the Moroccan Rif region and their re-settlement to Europe began. Since then the notion of migration is constitutive to their subjectivity, where Imazighen perceptions of migration are usually ambivalent and problematic. Although parts of the Amazigh community tend to see migration as a threat to their cultural identity and memory, other parts of the community consider it to be a journey or a process during which the identity of an Amazigh migrant is partially re-constituted. This thesis deals explicitly with this tension.

Migration is a fluid process that has a beginning and an uncertain end, and many Imazighen attempt to articulate their identity within this uncertainty. Many reify their culture and try to create a sort of temporal certainty in their existence by portraying Amazigh culture as a stable, rooted culture, born and developed in North Africa. However, these reactions show the attitude of a community in extremis struggling against oppression in Morocco and against rejection in diaspora. It is important to note that many European states have recently become less welcome in offering re-settlement for immigrants. Like other minority groups in Europe, Imazighen have become the scapegoat of many far-right parties and their supporters. Diasporic Imazighen are now trying to articulate their identity in these uncertain environments.

In view of the contemporary uncertainty, I question the roles the Amazigh media play in highlighting and assisting the construction and re-articulation of identities concerning the situations in which many Imazighen live. To respond to these questions, I build on and extend Benedict Anderson’s model that regards a nation-state as an ‘imagined community’ that acquires a political consciousness through the exposure of its inhabitants to printed media (2006:6). I argue that the Amazigh media form a common ground for Imazighen both in Morocco and in diaspora, and that these media shape Amazigh consciousness and play a part in enhancing and re-generating a transnational Amazigh identity. That is to say, this imagined community makes use of media, such as songs, films, and websites, to enhance Amazigh transnational identity.

My thesis is situated in the interdisciplinary fields of media studies, literary theory, cultural anthropology, and socio-economic theory. My methodological framework is intertextual reading based on Mikhail Bakhtin’s idea of the dialogic interaction between what he calls ‘real and represented worlds’ (Bakhtin:254). I make use of this methodology to highlight the meanings yielded from semiotic interactions within and resulting from cinema, music, and internet forums. I build on Bakhtin’s idea of interaction to demonstrate that the media I address in this thesis have internal dialogues, dialogues with other texts, and dialogues with ‘the environment that surrounds them’ (1984:184-85).



Anderson, Benedict. O’G. 2006. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism. Revised edition. London: Verso.

Bakhtin, Mikhail. 1988. The Dialogic Imagination: Four Essays, ed. Michael Holquist. Trans. Caryl Emerson and Michael Holquist. Austin: University of Texas Press.

———. 1984. Problems of Dostoevsky’s Poetics, ed. and trans. Caryl Emerson. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.

Karim, H. Karim. 2003. ‘Mapping the Diapsoric Mediascape’. In The Media of Diaspora, ed. Karim H. Karim. London: Routledge.


Inspiration to undertake this research

Given that my MA research revolves about Amazigh music and a sense of identity, it was difficult for me to find academic works that deal with the issues of cultural artifacts and identity construction as far the Amazigh community is concerned, they are indeed scarce. I am also part of this Amazigh community which left North Africa and settled in the space of migration. These among other reasons inspired me to conduct research that looks at the way this migratory group makes use of cultural productions, such as songs, films and websites, to re-articulate our cultural identity.


An in-depth look into one aspect of the dissertation

One important aspect of my dissertation is dialogism and polyphony in Amazigh websites.

In light of Mikhail Bakhtin’s concepts of dialogism and polyphony, I argue that many Amazigh websites allocate spaces where different voices express their divergent perspectives on topics vital for Imazighen in the Rif region and diaspora—especially in relation to the idea of home and cultural identity. In addition, I highlight how these websites assist in the interaction of Amazigh voices and elements at various levels, addressing and reflecting issues of communal interest to Imazighen. I contend that ‘home’, which usually symbolises stability and certainty, takes on another dimension online and becomes a complex process that involves various elements. In The Media of Diaspora, Karim writes, ‘Diaspora re-create home by instilling such resonance into the spaces they occupy; they do it with their languages, customs, art forms, arrangement of objects and ideas’ (2003:10). Here the meaning of home is the resonance of the livelihood of a particular community living in a geographical location, carved in spaces occupied by subjects who are far away from this location and believe that they are part of that community. Imazighen throughout the world believe they belong to Tamazgha, a politically and territorially unified Maghreb, or North Africa, and try to re-create home in the spaces they occupy. For instance, Riffian Imazighen in diaspora consider Amazigh websites as home because in and through these spaces they can gather, interact, re-articulate their cultural identity, learn the latest news about the Rif area, see the role of the past in the re-construction of their current identity and discuss and stimulate the use of their native language. These websites provide provisional certainty for their Amazigh users concerning their identity and the idea of ‘belonging’.

Amazigh websites address a range of issues such as the evolution of the Amazigh migration from Morocco, the uncertainty of migrants in their host country, cultural identities of Amazigh diasporas, memory, mobility of both migrants and Imazighen in their country of origin, and fantasies and desires relating to migration. Here, I focus mainly on the subject of ‘home online’ on the Amazigh websites: dalil-rif.com, agraw.com, and timazighin.nl. These sites allow visitors to access free articles, music, and films. They also provide space for chat rooms and discussion forums where participants can interact and share data. In effect, I use a combination of media, literary, and social theories to show the dialogic nature of these Amazigh websites that many Imazighen consider as online homes and examine the meanings that emerge out of these dialogues. I argue that ‘home online’, or the hominess procured online, for many Imazighen is an inspiration created by a necessity to interact and bond in an increasingly fragmented and chaotic world. Home online is also an idea projected by diasporic Imazighen into Amazigh websites to help to alleviate uncertainty and sustain and assist them in the process of re-articulating their cultural identity.


Perspective on the fields of nationalism, ethnicity, and race

In effect, nationalism, ethnicity and race are closely interrelated. The idea of a nation, ethnic group or a race depends on the perspectives of those who believe in these ideas. And given that people’s perspectives are shaped, affected and somehow determined by their expectations, knowledge and beliefs, that are set in memories, narratives and discourses. Therefore, I see nationalism, ethnicity and race as three invented and ongoing fields that are mutating, and at the same time, interacting with each other continuously, as they are addressed in disciplinary and interdisciplinary research. I do not see the idea of a nation, for instance, in terms of common territory, history and political arrangements; instead, for me the idea of a nation is constituted when a significant number of individuals in a community accentuate their belief in the fact that they constitute a nation.


Reflections on the job market

It is difficult to assess the job market for those who are in the fields of nationalism, ethnicity and race because it depends on many factors, such as the researcher him/herself and his/her aspirations, how universities make and spend their money, the significance of these fields in a particular university, the impact of the economic crisis or growth on universities, and the particular country.

If you recently defended a Ph.D. in the fields of nationalism, ethnicity, identity, and/or race and would like to be featured on our blog, please visit here for more information on how to submit your dissertation abstract.