Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Picture About Yemen

This work takes seriously the fact of different nationalisms in Yemen by relating three views of the same event to a potent symbol of Yemen’s collective identity – its flag.

The work does not demand an assessment of the truth of an event in Yemen, nor does it require that the event be judged equally in import by all. It requires only that the viewer accepts that different, plural, views of events, facts and narratives are legitimate, in Yemen as elsewhere.

This work is part of a body of work on drawn and painted views on politics and conflict. That body of work is available at the following blog address: .

Forthcoming Interview with Professor Anthony D. Smith: Your Questions Wanted!

As part of our themed focus on nationalism, ethnicity and art, SEN
Journal: Online Exclusives
will feature an interview Professor
Anthony D. Smith. Professor Smith is an internationally renowned scholar
of nationalism and the author of many ground-breaking works, including inter alia
“The Ethnic Origins of Nations”, “Nationalism and Modernism” and “Chosen
Peoples: Sacred Sources of National Identity”.

We would like to offer our readers the opportunity to ask Professor
Smith their own questions about his work on nationalism, and the
relationship between nationalism and art. The best questions will be
included in our forthcoming interview.

Please post your questions below, including your name and institutional
affiliation (where applicable). Deadline for questions is Sunday, October 30th.

Call for Applications: Web Editor for SEN Journal: Online Exclusives

SEN Journal: Online Exclusives is the new online forum by Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (SEN), a fully peer-reviewed journal published by Wiley-Blackwell on behalf of the Association of Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism. In line with the print journal’s profile, SEN Journal: Online Exclusives publishes content on a rolling basis on the themes of identity, ethnicity and nationalism, and encourages innovative submissions from a broad range of disciplines and regions with particular attention to up-and-coming scholars, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students working in the field.

Due to recent expansions in the publication programme of SEN Journal: Online Exclusives, we are currently recruiting for the position of Web Editor. Your tasks will include general website maintenance, soliciting of online content, copy-editing and liaising with our publisher on marketing of the journal.

Applicants should have proficient computer skills including the ability to design and maintain websites, good interpersonal skills and a proven track record in academic writing. Previous training in the fields of ethnicity and nationalism studies is welcome, but not essential. The ability to meet deadlines and respond in a timely fashion to requests and correspondence is of particular importance. Applicants must be able to commit at least a year when assuming the position.

Applications from PhD students that reside in London and can easily reach our premises at LSE are particularly welcome. These positions are unpaid but represent an invaluable opportunity for PhD candidates and anyone looking to have a career in publishing or journalism or simply interested in enhancing their interest in the interdisciplinary field of nationalism and ethnicity. Typically, these positions do not require more than 4-5 hours per week although this may vary somewhat depending on the stage in the publication cycle.

Please email a letter of interest and your CV to the Editors at by 1st October 2011.

Call for Submissions: Ethnicity and Art

SEN Journal: Online Exclusives is currently calling for contributions on the theme of ethnicity and art. This broad theme encourages submissions in a variety of mediums from a diversity of disciplines. In particular, we warmly welcome:

  • Academic writing on the theme of ethnicity and art (1,000 words max.);
  • artwork, films and photography to be hosted on our website;
  • news about relevant exhibitions and performances;
  • exhibition and performance reviews; and
  • responses to articles published in Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (SEN) volume 9 issue 2 in the themed section on “The Art of Nationalism” (

In keeping with SEN’s editorial policy, SEN Journal: Online Exclusives encourages submissions from a broad range of disciplines with particular attention to up-and-coming scholars, postdoctoral fellows and graduate students working in the field. All submissions and enquiries should be sent to .

Brief: China Continues to Oppose Separatism in Tibet

by Sonia Morland

China’s vice-president Xi Jinping declared in a speech in Tibet on 19th July that he would persist with the “fight against separatist activities”. Visiting Tibet to mark the sixtieth anniversary of Tibet’s communist takeover, Xi explained that he would ensure soldiers and law enforcement departments continued to crack down on separatists.

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