Call for Papers for a SEN Journal Special Issue on ‘Science, Technology and the Nation‘. Please click here for details.
Paper submission date: 31st October 2014.
All inquiries can be addressed to Filippo Menga at
Call for Papers for a SEN Journal Special Issue on ‘Science, Technology and the Nation‘. Please click here for details.
Paper submission date: 31st October 2014.
All inquiries can be addressed to Filippo Menga at
Here’s another roundup of nationalism and ethnicity-related news!
Christian Post Reporter (08/09/2014) reports on the concerns expressed by a watchdog body in India that an umbrella Hindu nationalist group is looking to cleanse the minority Christian population in India.
Daily Sabah (08/09/2014) features a piece on Muslim nationalism in Turkey and on how it influences identity politics and identity-based movements in the country.
Global Post (10/09/2014) reports on a speech of the Polish President, Bronislaw Komorowski, where he warned against the negative repercussions of the nationalist ideology.
My SA (12/09/2014) reports on how the prospect of secession in Scotland has raised the hopes among members of the Texas Nationalist Movement that the same will now be realisable in Texas.
The Heraldscotland (13/09/2014) reports on the recent march of the Orange Order in Edinburgh and their position on Scottish nationalism.
The Independent (14/09/2014) features an article discussing a recent visit of the Governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province and a former Glasgow MP to Scotland. The politician campaigned to persuade his former constituents to vote against an independent Scotland.
The Sunday Leader (14/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the pervasiveness of ethnic perceptions and categorisations in Sri Lanka, as well as their influence on ethnic demography as manifested in the intake of university students.
News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova
If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at
BBC News (03/09/2014) reports on the active encouragement of ‘ethnic unity’ in Xinjiang through the deliberate promotion and incentivisation of mixed marriages.
University of Oregon web community page (03/09/2014) features a report on a new art exhibition to be opened at the university museum and dedicated to exploring the interaction between genetics, race, ethnic identity and disease in 20th century America.
Huffington Post UK (04/09/2014) features an extended piece on the difficult fate and sufferings of the indigenous Hazara ethnic community in Afghanistan, especially under the Taliban regime.
New Statesman (05/09/2014) features a piece on the role and influence of Gaelic Games, and national sports more broadly, on Irish national identity.
The New Yorker (05/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the prospects and challenges of liberal Zionism in the Israeli peace camp.
Want ChinaTimes (06/09/2014) reports the results of a recent poll indicating that around 87% of Taiwanese think of themselves as belonging to the ethnic Chinese community.
The Economist (06/09/2014) features a piece on the possible diffusion and influence of Ukraine’s crisis on the already unstable security situation in the Nagorno-Karabakh Republic.
News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova
If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at
The Diplomat (26/08/2014) features a piece on the implications that the Dokdo Islands territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea might have for Korean self-understanding and national identity.
Eurasia Review (28/08/2014) features a piece reflecting on the roots and contradictions of the spiral of suspicions and insecurities in Japan, South Korea and China.
The Guardian (29/08/2014) features an opinion piece on the different kinds of Russian nationalism and their influence on the current Russian policies in Ukraine.
Myanmar Times (30/08/2014) features a report giving details of a recent plea by a senior Buddhist monk to representatives of all parties in Myanmar to prioritise nationalism over human rights.
DailyNews Egypt (30/08/2014) features a piece on contemporary Egyptian national identity and cultural values.
AsiaOne World (31/08/2014) features an extended report on how the indigenous inhabitants of Guatemala, ethnic Mayans, drove an ultra Orthodox Jewish community out of the region.
The Straits Times (31/08/2014) reports on the opening of a new museum in Jakarta, Indonesia recognising the valuable contribution made by Chinese community in Indonesia to the struggle for the country’s independence.
News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova
If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at
Read the latest round of News Bites for this week and keep an eye for weekly updates!
EurActiv (18/08/2014) reports on the discussion of ethnoreligious issues in the electoral debate in Romania and on the participation of an ethnic German in the current presidential race.
Deutsche Welle (18/08/2014) reports on the marginalisation of ethnic minorities and the perpetuation of stereotypes in the German media.
Truthout (19/08/2014) features a transcript and a recording of an interview with Alexander Buzgalin, Professor of Political Economy at Moscow State University reflecting on the relationship between nationalism, national identity and economic sanctions in Russia.
New Statesman (21/08/2014) features an extended report on intended steps taken to change the representation of Black and Ethnic Minority people on entertainment channels in the UK.
The Wall Street Journal (22/08/2014) features a piece on the upsurge of nationalism and celebrations of Ukraine’s Independence Day among New Yorkers of Ukrainian descent.
Southern Reporter (22/08/2014) features a personalised account and reflections on the independence debate, the role of patriotism and nationalism in Scotland.
Al Jazeera America (24/08/2014) features a piece commenting on the social constructedness and pervasiveness of patterns of racial exclusion/inclusion in the US.
Outlook (24/08/2014) reports on Chinese government’s restrictive policies and refusal to allow ethnic Uyghur to wear beards.
News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova
If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at