Tag Archives: ukraine

SEN News Bites: 18-24 August 2014

Read the latest round of News Bites for this week and keep an eye for weekly updates!

EurActiv (18/08/2014) reports on the discussion of ethnoreligious issues in the electoral debate in Romania and on the participation of an ethnic German in the current presidential race.

Deutsche Welle (18/08/2014) reports on the marginalisation of ethnic minorities and the perpetuation of stereotypes in the German media.

Truthout (19/08/2014) features a transcript and a recording of an interview with Alexander Buzgalin, Professor of Political Economy at Moscow State University reflecting on the relationship between nationalism, national identity and economic sanctions in Russia.

New Statesman (21/08/2014) features an extended report on intended steps taken to change the representation of Black and Ethnic Minority people on entertainment channels in the UK.

The Wall Street Journal (22/08/2014) features a piece on the upsurge of nationalism and celebrations of Ukraine’s Independence Day among New Yorkers of Ukrainian descent.

Southern Reporter (22/08/2014) features a personalised account and reflections on the independence debate, the role of patriotism and nationalism in Scotland.

Al Jazeera America (24/08/2014) features a piece commenting on the social constructedness and pervasiveness of patterns of racial exclusion/inclusion in the US.

Outlook (24/08/2014) reports on Chinese government’s restrictive policies and refusal to allow ethnic Uyghur to wear beards.


News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.



SEN News on Sunday: April 4 – 13, 2014

We’ve taken a break for a few weeks, but here’s a roundup of some of the more interesting news on nationalism and ethnicity that we’ve found on the web this week:

SNP logo

  • The Independent (13/04/14) reports that the Russian version Google Maps has already recorded the Crimea region as being part of Russia.
  • BBC News (12/04/14) features a history of the Scottish National Party, which became an octogenarian this month.
  • WHQR Radio (10/04/14) provides a glimpse into life in Perewalsk, a Ukrainian town on the Russian border, and the mixed feelings of nationalism in which locals feel.
  • The New York Times (09/04/14) explores the evidence which supports the argument that the British Government has increasingly revoked the citizenship of those it deems as terrorists.
  • Stanford News (04/04/14) features an article which argues that nationalism still endures in the U.S. and Asia in their historical memories of the Second World War.



News compiled by Karen Seegobin.

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News on Sunday: Special Edition – Spotlight on the Ukraine

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We at SEN Journal blog can’t keep up with the fast pace of events that are occurring in the Ukraine, so we thought that we’d share the links to a few websites and blogs which provide live (or frequent) updates on what’s happening:

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SEN News on Sunday: Special Edition – Ukraine’s ‘Euromaiden’ protests

We at SEN have not been living under a rock for the last few months and have been watching events unfolding in the Ukraine.  After heated protests during the summer in Turkey and Brazil, just to name a couple, our eyes have now turned to Eastern Europe.  Wide cross-sections of the population in the Ukraine have been gathering and protesting since late November 2013.  But what exactly are they about? We know that the first wave of protests was spurred by Ukraine President Yanukovych’s rejection of the association agreement with the European Union.  However, who are the players and what are their interests?  And what exactly is the salience of the far-right?  What can the protests tell us about forms of Ukrainian nationalism?  Below is a brief roundup of some of the most recent news on the Euromaiden protests as we attempt to uncover the variety of views and explanations of this recent phenomenon.

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SEN News on Sunday: January 19 to 26, 2014

Kiev protest


  • MSN News (25/01/14) explains why Australia’s National Day, held on January 26th, is so controversial, especially among the nation’s Aboriginal population.
  • Al Jazeera (25/01/14) features an analysis on the Scottish National Party’s (SNP) YES campaign for independence.
  • Global Post (24/01/14) features an article on the Berbers of North Africa and their calls on the Moroccan Parliament to create a national observance of their new year.

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