Tag Archives: national identity

SEN News Bites: 27 October -1 November 2014






The Diplomat (27/10/2014) features a piece on the challenges of a federal settlement of Nepal that is being negotiated in run up to the adoption of a new constitution in the country in January 2015.

The Guardian (29/10/2014) reports on the Labour Party’s intention to allow Ofsted to inspect religious education in faith schools to better understand its possible impact on ethnic and religious situation in the UK.

The Sydney Morning Herald (29/10/2014) reports the results of a national survey in Australia indicating heightened attention to national security and an increasing sense of nationalism in the country.

RIA Novosti (30/10/2014) reports on a recent press conference by the Syrian Grand Mufti Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun in which he warned against attempts to establish a state on a religious and national basis.

The Washington Post (31/10/2014) reports on the launch of an innovative text messaging service in eastern Kenya aimed at easing ethnic tensions through verifying information, preventing the spread false rumours and misinformation.

News.Az (01/11/2014) features an interview with Peter Tase, a research scholar reflecting on the impact of the recent meeting held between the Presidents of Armenia, Azerbaijan and France on the geopolitical environment in the Caucasus and the dynamics of conflict regulation between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.




SEN News Bites: 15-26 October 2014



The Guardian (15/10/2014) features an opinion piece on the recent ‘football war’ between Serbia and Albania and the implications it might have for longer-term peace in the Balkans.

I24News (20/10/2014) reports the results of a new survey, according to which five of the seven Middle Eastern countries surveyed identified religious and ethnic hatred as the top threat to the world.

Salon (23/10/2014) reports the results of new research linking climate change and violence, including ethnic violence and ethnic riots.

Tass (Russian News Agency) (24/10/2014) summarises a recent speech by the Russian President Vladimir Putin in which he advocated a separation between extreme nationalism and the promotion of national interests.

Deutsche Welle (24/10/2014) reports the key findings of a new report analysing the obstacles and challenges of creating a new sense of national identity for Myanmar’s Rohingya community.

The New Indian Express (26/10/2014) reports on the release of a new stamp in India commemorating the 150th birth anniversary of Anagarika Dharmapala, considered to be an iconic figure behind the revival of Sinhala Buddhist nationalism.

The Peninsula (26/10/2014) announces the release of a new documentary (to be shown in Doha) highlighting forced disappearances in Sri Lanka from the 1980s up to recent times.



News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News Bites: 7-14 October 2014




Your Middle East (09/10/2014) features an opinion piece reflecting on the challenges facing United Arab Emirates citizens in their efforts to preserve and stay true to their national identity.

Daily Sabah (10/10/2014) reports on the nationalist overtones of the recent contestations in the Turkish Parliament following Parliament’s approval of the decision to send troops to Syria and Iraq.

Ottawa Citizen (10/10/2014) reports the key results of a recent study into ethnic media coverage during recent Canadian elections.

Euronews (11/10/2014) and Gulfnews.com (12/10/2014) report on the resurgence of nationalism, divisions and the influence of the economic situation on the recent election campaign in Bosnia.

Nigerian Post (14/10/2014) features a summary of a speech by the Bishop of Abuja on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Church of Nigeria focusing on ways to combat ethnic divisions, tribalism and the absence of unity among Nigerians.

Deutsche Welle (14/10/2014) features a series of short interviews with Irish emigrants reflecting on how they feel about their national identity.



News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

SEN News Bites: 15-22 September 2014

Peace Day, celebrated on 21 September, calls on the world to lay down its arms for 24 hours and celebrate non-violence.




Mizzima (15/09/2014) reports on the widespread concerns expressed by the leaders of Myanmar over the late release of census data on ethnicity and the implications this significant delay might have for broader issues of political representation.

Business Insider (15/09/2014) reports on the upsurge of ethnic divisions and the potential for societal transformation ahead of the elections in Fiji.

BBC News (17/09/2014) features a video discussing what the Scottish referendum might mean for British national identity.

The Gulf Today (21/09/2014) reports on the opening of a new radio station in the United Arab Emirates specifically aimed at increasing public awareness of indigenous Emirati values, strengthening and promoting national identity.

Guardian Professional (22/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the relationship between poverty and conflict and the contribution of businesses to peace in war-affected zones.

The Guardian (22/09/2014) features an opinion piece on what Britain might learn from German-style federalism in the aftermath of the Scottish referendum.

Open Democracy (22/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the feasibility of the two-state solution in Israel/Palestine.

Deutsche Welle (22/09/2014) features an interview with Andrew Wilder, Afghanistan expert at the United States Institute of Peace, on the role of ethnic divisions in determining the future of the Afghan new national government.

News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.


SEN News Bites: 8-14 September 2014

Here’s another roundup of nationalism and ethnicity-related news!

Christian Post Reporter (08/09/2014) reports on the concerns expressed by a watchdog body in India that an umbrella Hindu nationalist group is looking to cleanse the minority Christian population in India.

Daily Sabah (08/09/2014) features a piece on Muslim nationalism in Turkey and on how it influences identity politics and identity-based movements in the country.

Global Post (10/09/2014) reports on a speech of the Polish President, Bronislaw Komorowski, where he warned against the negative repercussions of the nationalist ideology.

My SA (12/09/2014) reports on how the prospect of secession in Scotland has raised the hopes among members of the Texas Nationalist Movement that the same will now be realisable in Texas.

The Heraldscotland (13/09/2014) reports on the recent march of the Orange Order in Edinburgh and their position on Scottish nationalism.

The Independent (14/09/2014) features an article discussing a recent visit of the Governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province and a former Glasgow MP to Scotland. The politician campaigned to persuade his former constituents to vote against an independent Scotland.

The Sunday Leader (14/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the pervasiveness of ethnic perceptions and categorisations in Sri Lanka, as well as their influence on ethnic demography as manifested in the intake of university students.

News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.