Tag Archives: Muslim; turkey: India

SEN News Bites: 8-14 September 2014

Here’s another roundup of nationalism and ethnicity-related news!

Christian Post Reporter (08/09/2014) reports on the concerns expressed by a watchdog body in India that an umbrella Hindu nationalist group is looking to cleanse the minority Christian population in India.

Daily Sabah (08/09/2014) features a piece on Muslim nationalism in Turkey and on how it influences identity politics and identity-based movements in the country.

Global Post (10/09/2014) reports on a speech of the Polish President, Bronislaw Komorowski, where he warned against the negative repercussions of the nationalist ideology.

My SA (12/09/2014) reports on how the prospect of secession in Scotland has raised the hopes among members of the Texas Nationalist Movement that the same will now be realisable in Texas.

The Heraldscotland (13/09/2014) reports on the recent march of the Orange Order in Edinburgh and their position on Scottish nationalism.

The Independent (14/09/2014) features an article discussing a recent visit of the Governor of Pakistan’s Punjab province and a former Glasgow MP to Scotland. The politician campaigned to persuade his former constituents to vote against an independent Scotland.

The Sunday Leader (14/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the pervasiveness of ethnic perceptions and categorisations in Sri Lanka, as well as their influence on ethnic demography as manifested in the intake of university students.

News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.