Tag Archives: identity; Italy; religion; Muslims; France; radical right

Sen News Bites: 17-23 February 2015



The Guardian (18/02/2015) examines Italy’s dilemma about foreign football players and the connections between football and identity, claiming that the issue is rooted in the country’s self representation.


Daily News Egypt (23/02/2015) features a critical analysis of the ‘hyper-nationalistic reactions’ by the Egyptian regime to the brutal murders of Copts in Libya by IS, when it is marked by its discriminatory behavior against the Coptic Christian community and for its silence on previous similar incidents involving its citizens.


Daily Sabah (23/02/2015) considers the debate over how to frame the ‘war on terror’ in terms of the attempts by non-Muslims to portray the ideology of IS as a perversion of Islam.


The New York Times (18/02/2015) gives a critical analysis of the factors underlying the success of the National Front party in the aftermath of the Charlie Hebdo events.


The Oxford University Press Blog (21/02/2015)  examines the historical development which has allowed the Bangla (Bengali) language to become a symbol of Bangladeshis’ cultural, regional and ethnic identity, celebrated by the ‘Ekushey’.


News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk