Tag Archives: discrimination

SEN News Bites 20-26 July 2014

Here’s the latest round of nationalism and ethnicity related news!

The Moscow Times (20/07/2014) features a report on Kazakhstan’s revived interest in and relaunch of a program aimed at luring ethnic Kazakhs living abroad to move to Kazakhstan.

The Guardian (23/07/2014) reports the results of new research on ethnic differences in university offer rates indicating that white British applicants are more likely to get university offers than ethnic minority students.


Qantara.de (23/07/2014) features an opinion piece on Algeria’s non-Arab minorities’ struggle against discrimination and marginalisation.

The Wall Street Journal (25/07/2014) reports on escalating religious and ethnic tensions in Kenya’s Lamu island.

Agence France-Presse (26/07/2014) features a report detailing how pro-government activists blocked ethnic Tamil journalists from holding a media training program in Sri Lanka.

Today’s Zaman (26/07/2014) features a report on the fate of ethnic Turkmens in Iraq who have been driven away from their homes and are now struggling for their security and rights.

News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova

If you would like to write a response to any of the news stories please e-mail us at sen@lse.ac.uk