Tag Archives: China

SEN News on Sunday: July 2 – 7, 2013

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  • The Economist (6/7/13) reports on the increase in outbreaks of ethnic violence in China’s Xinjiang region.
  • Migration Source (June 2013) features an article which provides an overview of migration and demographic changes in Central and Eastern Europe from the 1990s to present, and also examines attitudes toward diasporas and development.
  • Azernews.com (4/7/13) reports on the discouraging state of discussions concerning the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict settlement process.
  • Scotsman.com (3/7/13) reports on fears that an independent Scotland may lead to the rise of a “narrow and inward-looking” English nationalism.
  • NPR.org (4/7/13) reports on the United States’ national independence day, held on July 4th, and features a radio broadcast on what independence means for the average American.
  • The Independent (2/7/13) features an article arguing that a child’s ethnicity should be taken into consideration when matching them to adoptive parents.
  • BBC (2/7/13) features an article on identity-building in Kosovo and resolving ethnic conflict in the Balkan region, and highlights the experiences of one woman whose life story mirrors the fractured history of the country.

Stay tuned for SEN Article Spotlights, which will be posted later in the week.

News compiled by Karen Seegobin.

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at sen@lse.ac.uk.

Brief: China Continues to Oppose Separatism in Tibet

by Sonia Morland

China’s vice-president Xi Jinping declared in a speech in Tibet on 19th July that he would persist with the “fight against separatist activities”. Visiting Tibet to mark the sixtieth anniversary of Tibet’s communist takeover, Xi explained that he would ensure soldiers and law enforcement departments continued to crack down on separatists.

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