Sen News Bites 7 – 13 April




The Guardian (08/04/2015)  analyses the behaviour of the English parties in the approach to the elections, and highlights Westminster’s irrational focus on UKIP while overlooking the SNP.


OpenDemocracy (10/04/2015) features an essay examining the semantic construction of collective memory as the basis for current identities. Verbalised memories or narratives substitute experience in the construction of a nation’s collective memory, defined around an opposition between ‘them’ and ‘us’; among others, Orientalism and Balkanism stem from this tendency.


BBC (12/04/2015) reports on Pope Francis describing the killings of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey during Word War I as a ‘massive and unprecedented tragedy’ and ‘the first genocide of the 20th century’, and on Turkey’s predictably defensive reaction.


Channel New Asia (11/04/2015) describes the former Indonesian president’s presentation at the inaugural Singapore Forum, in which he analyses ‘global seismic shifts’, their impact on the region, and the importance of Asian cooperation within ASEAN.


OpenDemocracy (10/04/2015) examines and compares the conception of use of violence for political ends as it is in the Arab world and in eastern Europe.


The Guardian (10/04/2015) reports on Catalonia’s efforts to bring working hours into line with the rest of Europe’s other economies.



News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at

Sen News Bites 1 – 7 April




Hurriyet Daily News (02/04/2015)  examines the implications of globalisation on Turkish society and the radicalisation of nationalist stances in the country’s modern political identity, as analysed in the newly-published collection of essays Turkey between Nationalism and Globalisation.


New York Times (05/04/2015)  reports on the controversial attempt by Bulgaria to stop the flow of refugees from North Africa and the Middle East through the construction of a fence aimed at deterring people from crossing the border.


I24 News (07/04/2015) looks at the reasons behind Pakistan’s involvement in the Yemen war, and analyses the implications for the regional geopolitical balance.


Aljazeera America (06/04/2015) describes the procedure that foreigners must face to obtain Russian residency, in the context of a framework of historical revisionism.


The New Yorker (06/04/2015) looks at the effects of living abroad on Chinese students, and the impacts of this experience on their conception of Chinese politics, foreign policy, and democracy.


News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at

Sen News Bites 24 – 30 March

russian troll factory

Washington Post (30/03/2015) analyses the different uses of social media by autocratic regimes, its use as an instrument of control, and the resulting threats to democracy.

Europblog (30/03/2015) examines the composition of Spain’s Parliament in light of the surge of the Catalan party Ciudadanos.

OpenDemocracy (30/03/2015) features an anlysis of national immigration policies, their impacts on migrants, and their subordination to global capitalist dynamics.

Al Jazeera (27/03/2015) reads Iran’s involvement in the battle against Isis in Iraq as a crucial opportunity for the country to enhance its regional influence, pre-empt accusations of sectarianism, and support Iraq’s territorial integrity, which Iran sees as indispensible to regional stability.

Gulf News (30/03/2015) reports on the implications of Western sanctions on the Russian government’s popularity, highlighting the consequent increase in support for the government.


News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at

Article Spotlights – Israel and Palestine

articlespotlightThis edition of Article Spotlights from the SEN Archives focuses on Israel and Palestine, after the elections that took place in Israel this month, which saw Binyamin Netanyahu elected for another term in office.

Yitzhak Conforti’s article focuses on the history of territorial thinking in Zionism.

Yitzhak Conforti, Searching for a Homeland: The Territorial Dimension in the Zionist Movement and the Boundaries of Jewish Nationalism, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 36-54.

This article addresses the relationship between territorial borders and ethnic boundaries in the Zionist movement. Beginning with the Sixth Zionist Congress in 1903, the distinction between these two components of the Zionist movement rose to the forefront of the Zionist consciousness. The argument over the Uganda proposal revealed the differing preferences of political and practical Zionism. But this argument, which ended with the rejection of the Uganda plan in 1905, did not terminate the discussion of the relationship between ‘the people’ and ‘the land’. The aspiration of Zionism’s central stream to establish a Jewish nation-state in Palestine was challenged by political groups on the right and on the left, each of which emphasized either the ethnic or the territorial component. While Palestinian Zionism reinforced the territorial component during the 1920s and ’30s, the 1937 partition plan of the Peel Commission returned the issue of the relationship between the people and the land to the centre ring of political decision-making. This article demonstrates that the attempt of the central stream of the Zionist movement to balance between the people and the land, between the ethnic and the territorial components, defined the boundaries of Zionism during the period discussed.

Katie Attwell’s essay focuses on the ‘self’ and ‘other’ perceptions of adherents to ‘alternative national identity discourses’ among Israel’s Jewish citizens.

Katie Attwell, Bent Twigs and Olive Branches: Exploring the Narratives of Dissident Israeli Jews, Volume 12, Issue 1, pp. 20-37.

This article explores symbolic boundaries and identity-formation of the ‘ethnonational Us’, using narrative analysis of eleven Israeli-Jewish dissidents. The hegemonic nationalist discourse in Israel – Zionism – constructs the dissidents’ identities as the ‘Virtuous Us’, yet these individuals genuinely try to connect with the ‘Demonized Palestinian Other’. I suggest that the dissidents attempt to use alternative national identity discourses to overcome symbolic boundaries. I highlight inconsistencies within individual dissidents’ narratives and attribute them to the employment of multiple discourses, suggesting that some discourses fail to coherently reconcile ‘national’ history with the well-being of the Other, whilst others repel dissidents by appearing to negate or destroy their identities. The dissidents, therefore, cannot use the available discourses to fully overcome symbolic boundaries. Only the hegemonic nationalist discourse can offer a self-evident and compelling enunciation of the dissidents’ political reality, leading one insightful dissident to conclude that there is ‘no way out’ of his dilemma.

Nissim Leon’s piece addresses the role of the religious ultra-nationalist camp as it has developed in Israel’s more recent history.

Nissim Leon, Ethno-religious Fundamentalism and Theo-ethnocratic Politics in Israel, Volume 14, Issue 1, pp. 20-35.

This article addresses the transition of a fundamentalist confrontational religious ideology into an assertive, religio-nationalist ideology by the case of the ethno-Ultra-Orthodox (haredi) Shas party in Israel. Alongside the haredi proclivity towards insularity, we also detect, in recent decades, two new trends within the haredi mainstream. First, we see increasing numbers of haredim (Ultra-Orthodox Jews) integrating into different frameworks that are situated outside of the haredi enclave: the job market, the army, welfare and charity organizations, and more. A second trend, which I will elaborate upon here, is a fundamentalist religious interpretation of elements of Israeli national identity. This trend seeks to view Jewish law, in its orthodox interpretation, as a source for the conservation and maintenance of Jewish identity in Israel: firstly, through the turning of haredism into a dominant factor in the religio-communal arena in Israel; and secondly, through assuming responsibility for demarcating the boundaries of the Jewish collective.

Article Spotlights compiled by Dr. Shane Nagle

Sen News Bites: 18 – 24 March


Counterpunch (19/03/2015) examines the current political situation in Ukraine, highlighting the lack of an effective democracy and the rise of a nationalist state characterized by political and social violations committed by Ukraine’s power holders.

Al Arabiya (23/03/2015) reports on the evolution of the US–Iranian relationship and Arab countries’ policies in the area in light of the ISIS emergency, and the consequences for the Palestinian cause.

Open Democracy (23/03/2015)  takes a look at the Turkish government’s stance on the country’s women’s movement, and focuses on official gender politics and its rejection of embeddin gender equality into the political agenda.

International Policy Digest (18/03/2015) analyses the rise of the Front National in France, and the increase of the ‘protest vote’ in Europe.

Daily Sabah (22/03/2015)  features an interview with the Kurdish–Iranian academic Abbas Vali concerning the evolution of the reconciliation process and the recognition of Kurdish identity in the time of ISIS.

News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at