Sen News Bites 14 – 20 May



The Diplomat (20/05/2015)  Features the worsten of the situation related to the LGBT community in Kyrgykizstan


Middle East Eye (19/05/2015) Reports on the colourful election campaign of the HDP in Turkey and its links with the PKK.


Radio Free Europe (20/03/2015) Depicts the unraistrained wave of nationalism in the Putin’s era and the propaganda to raise the hopes of revanchist russians


The Guardian (20/05/2015)Features the Spanish regional election as an important prequel to a general election that will be hold later this year, given the dramatic change in the country’s political environment


Council for foreign relations (19/05/2015) Reports the regional issues related to Rohingya, the need for a regional solution and the lack of answer to this still unresolved question


News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at

Nationalism and Ethnicity: Upcoming Conferences and Events

Upcoming Conference: “Minorities in Armies: Ethnicity, Race, Alienage”

June 30, 2015, 10.00-17.30

University of Warwich, The Institute of Advanced Study (Seminar Room)

Against the backdrop of a perceived national uniformity in the armed forces, in the Modern and Contemporary Age the military has been characterized by a sizeable presence of ethnic and racial minorities, as well as of aliens. The topic has been widely overlooked by scholarship; yet it seems necessary to investigate further an issue that could eventually lead to contesting the widespread perception of the military as an agent of cultural homogenisation and nationalisation. The conference will therefore seek to pose theoretical questions through papers by scholars who have studied specific cases, focusing in particular (but not exclusively) on WWII. Specifically, the one-day conference will be based on a morning and an afternoon session, each composed of three speakers and one respondent, followed by time dedicated to debate.

The first session will take into account experiences related to Italians or Italian ethnics in the Allied armed forces in WWII, or people of Italian descent enrolled in the Italian armed forces. The second will analyse the experience of ethnic and racial minorities in the British armed forces from WWII to recent times.

The conference is free and lunch is provided, but since numbers are limited registration is required. The deadline for registration is 20th June.

Please click here for more information.


Call for Papers: “The Social Reproductive Worlds of Migrants”

3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, July 2016, Vienna

While research highlights the role inward migration plays in meeting the social reproductive needs of migrant-receiving societies, less attention is paid to the social reproductive aspects of migrants’ lives. In the context of the increasing volume in international migration and its feminisation, and the increasingly instrumentalist and economistic approach to migration-entry regimes, it is critical that migration and family policies begin to acknowledge that a production system cannot operate without a reproduction system (Truong, 1996).

This joint (RC06 and RC31) paper presentation session, invites papers that contribute to developing a research agenda on the social reproductive worlds of migrants. Social reproduction incorporates family building through relationship formation and procreation, and the ongoing care required in the maintenance of people on a daily basis across the life-course. Thus, we seek contributions that examine how during processes of migration, families are formed, procreate and care.

Possible areas include:

  • spatial and temporal configurations of how migrants organise their social reproductive worlds, and how these relate to the patterning of opportunities and constraints rendered by public policies
  • in both countries of origin and of destination;
    the role of managed migration strategies in the development of patterns of ‘stratified social reproduction’ (Kraler, 2010) among migrants;
  • how, to what extent and under which conditions transnational family dynamics and solidarities provide kin members with a safety net and greater opportunities to access and claim rights to social protection;
  • the gendered nature of migrants’ social reproductive worlds, including male as well as female migrants.

The deadline for submitting proposals of max 300 words is 30 September 2015. Please upload your proposals through this link:


Call for Contributions: “Migrants in the City: New Dynamics of Migration in Urban Settings”

Culter’s Hall, Sheffield, 12-13 October 2015

Rapid urbanisation is radically changing the economic, financial, social, and ecological landscape of our planet. It has been identified as the single greatest development challenge and opportunity for the 21st century. International migration has been, is and will continue to be a key route both shaping and being shaped by urbanisation.

As the UN-Habitat Manifesto for Cities notes, the world has entered an urban era where cities have taken centre stage, inevitably shaping the social and spatial structures and trajectories of cities. The international conference Migrants in the City will provide a forum for the examination of key questions related to contemporary international migration in the context of urban development, residential segregation and diversity. The conference is designed to be global in focus. Contributions are welcomed that reflect on the causes and consequences of all forms of international migration (for example, for employment, for family reasons, to seek refuge, to study) in urban settings, but that also explore intersections between migration, urban development and key related issues, including:

  • effects of economic restructuring;
  • rising income inequality within and between host/destination countries;
  • the growth of megacities and the implications for segregation and migration;
  • settlement patterns, diversity, and spatial persistence;
  • development and wellbeing implications of migration and segregation;
  • effects of climate and environmental change;
  • gender and family life of migrant communities and issues of identity;
  • the meaning and practice of security;
  • migration and urban governance;
  • methodological challenges/innovations for migration and segregation

The organizers are currently calling for submissions of abstracts, panel session and poster proposals. All proposals and papers should be sent to Friday 29th May.

Please click here for conference website

Sen News Bites 6 – 13 May


The Guardian (09/05/2015)  looks at the Victory Day parade in Moscow, which as a commemoration of the defeat of Nazi Germany is an important symbol of Russian national identity, and Putin’s use of it as a platform to attack the United States for its attempt to create a unipolar world.


Nottingham Blog (09/05/2015) examines the Internet’s effects on Chinese society and the three ‘schools of thought’ of the conventional wisdom on the subject.


The Economist (08/05/2015) analyses shifts in Scottish identity, from religiously-defined to a more secular nationalist stance, as reflected by the SNP’s landslide victory at the polls.


Project Syndacate (12/05/2015) reports on the extent to which the rise of identity-driven politics is reshaping Europe’s political landscape, and examines the related debates in light of existing threats from within globalisation and global economic issues.


Maclean’s (12/05/2015) reports on the ongoing situation in Egypt, in the aftermath of the ‘Arab Spring’.


News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at

Sen News Bites 29 – 6 May


The Guardian (02/05/2015) presents an acute analysis of the precarious balance of power between parties in Westminster.


Todayszaman (30/04/2015) reports on racist, nationalistic, and discriminatory tendencies among football supporters, with a focus on the Balkans, but seen as a pattern by no means unique to this context.


East Asia Forum (30/04/2015)reports on how multiculturalism in the Korean peninsula – although clearly different between the two Koreas – is blurred by an ethnic nationalism that characterizes society and underpins national identity in both states.


The Economist (03/05/2015)  examines political arrangements in Northern Ireland and in the Irish Republic, and analyses Irish expectations for the British elections.


News25 (05/05/2015)  examines the causes behind rising xenophobia in South Africa, its use as a tool by populist politicians, and its relationship to South African political dynamics.

Call for Dissertation Abstracts

The official blog for the journal Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (SEN), a publication of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN), SEN seeks to regularly feature recently defended Ph.D. dissertations in the fields of ethnicity, race, identity, nationalism, and the interactions between these.

We welcome the submission of abstracts (approximately 500 words long) that highlight the contribution of a given doctoral dissertation in these areas. The dissertation must have been defended and may be completed in any language and in any humanities or social sciences discipline since January 2014.

The abstract must be written in English, concisely and clearly including the sources analyzed, theories engaged, methods employed, and main findings or argument.

Abstracts should include:

1. Brief introduction of the author, including name, current affiliation, and other relevant information

2. Title of the dissertation

3. Institution where the dissertation was written and approved

4. Name of dissertation supervisor

5. Year the dissertation was approved

6. An abstract in English

7. Inspiration to undertake this research

8. An in-depth look into one aspect of the dissertation

9. Perspective on the fields of nationalism, ethnicity, and race

10. Reflections on the job market

To submit a dissertation abstract, please send the above information to Junpeng Li at We welcome submissions at any time.