Category Archives: News

The Scottish Independence Campaign and Contemporary Scottish Nationalism: Lessons from across the Irish Sea? – Part 1

March 24th 2016. The streets of Edinburgh and Glasgow are coloured blue and white with Scottish Saltires. A public celebration to mark the first Scottish Day of Independence is taking place on the Edinburgh Royal Mile, with Alex Salmond giving the main address as the first head of government of an independent Scotland since the eighteenth century. Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, still Sovereign of Scotland, has already sent her good wishes and an expression of hope that Scotland will continue to flourish, now as an independent nation.

Is this a likely scenario? We offer no polling predictions, which are uncertain at the best of times in any case. But what is certain at this time is this: in September 2014 (on the seven-hundred year anniversary of Robert the Bruce’s victory over the English at Bannockburn) the people of Scotland will go to the polls for a referendum on independence, and if the Scottish electorate votes ‘Yes’, March 24th 2016 will be the (projected) date of independence day.

scot pic

Historians of, to use a popular expression, ‘these Isles’, particularly those interested in nations and nationalisms, can hardly fail to be struck to the parallels, contrasts, and precedents offered for the Scottish independence question by the break-up of a previous Union: the Union of Great Britain and Ireland of 1800, which came to an end with the establishment of the Irish Free State in 1922. It is perhaps itself noteworthy that these parallels and contrasts seem to be much less often remarked upon south of the border than in Scotland. Yet the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries offer a rich history of Irish-Scottish political debate on the Union, both nationalist and unionist, ably charted by works such as Alvin Jackson’s The Two Unions: Ireland, Scotland, and the Survival of the United KingdomAt least up until the financial crisis of 2008 Alex Salmond regularly cited Ireland as a role model for Scottish independence; he does so less now, at any rate less forcefully. Still, there is only one precedent for a nation-state to have emerged from the United Kingdom by breaking with it – the present-day Republic of Ireland.

SEN News on Sunday: April 4 – 13, 2014

We’ve taken a break for a few weeks, but here’s a roundup of some of the more interesting news on nationalism and ethnicity that we’ve found on the web this week:

SNP logo

  • The Independent (13/04/14) reports that the Russian version Google Maps has already recorded the Crimea region as being part of Russia.
  • BBC News (12/04/14) features a history of the Scottish National Party, which became an octogenarian this month.
  • WHQR Radio (10/04/14) provides a glimpse into life in Perewalsk, a Ukrainian town on the Russian border, and the mixed feelings of nationalism in which locals feel.
  • The New York Times (09/04/14) explores the evidence which supports the argument that the British Government has increasingly revoked the citizenship of those it deems as terrorists.
  • Stanford News (04/04/14) features an article which argues that nationalism still endures in the U.S. and Asia in their historical memories of the Second World War.



News compiled by Karen Seegobin.

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at

SEN News on Sunday: Special Edition – Spotlight on the Ukraine

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We at SEN Journal blog can’t keep up with the fast pace of events that are occurring in the Ukraine, so we thought that we’d share the links to a few websites and blogs which provide live (or frequent) updates on what’s happening:

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SEN News on Sunday: January 19 to 26, 2014

Kiev protest


  • MSN News (25/01/14) explains why Australia’s National Day, held on January 26th, is so controversial, especially among the nation’s Aboriginal population.
  • Al Jazeera (25/01/14) features an analysis on the Scottish National Party’s (SNP) YES campaign for independence.
  • Global Post (24/01/14) features an article on the Berbers of North Africa and their calls on the Moroccan Parliament to create a national observance of their new year.

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SEN News on Sunday: January 12 – 19, 2014


  • The New York Times (19/01/14) explores the topic of education and nationalism in Israel, as Arabs grapple with what curriculum to teach children.
  • The Japan Times (19/01/14) also looks at nationalism and language education in East Asian countries, and argues that “English-language education is fraught with deeper undercurrents of language protectionism and national identity”.

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