Author Archives: Sabella

About Sabella

I was born in Rome and I am now living in London where I have specialised in International Politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies. Since 2009 I have been working for Stringer Asia - a monthly newspaper relating to the Indian Subcontinent and the surrounding areas. Recently I I have joined the SEN Journal - Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism - as a member of the web team. I produce critical analyses on current issues concerning nationalism and ethnicity.

Sen News Bites 30 June -7 July



Los Angeles Times (02/07/2015) presents ‘A Borrowed Identity’, an Israeli film telling an Arab’s story in Israel, an analysis of how society and culture mold an individual’s identity.


The Guardian (02/07/2015)  tracks the parallels between the Papandreou government of the 1980s and the current one, examining the ongoing debate on the future of Greece in Europe, and the role of the country in relation to the Balkan states and their relationship with the EU.


Huffington Post (30/06/2015)  reports on the return of nationalism as the only way to define the national identity of states, defining itself through a strong contraposition between ‘inside’ and ‘outside’.


The Japan Times (05/07/2015)  looks at the rising popularity of military music among a certain segment of Japanese society, and the impact on nationalist ideology.


The Guardian (06/07/2015) puts forward the thesis that Greece’s referendum result is at a real risk of being manipulated to the benefit of xenophobic hard-right European parties.


News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at

Sen News Bites 7 – 14 June



China Policy Institute Blog (12/06/2015)focuses on multilingualism and identity in China, claiming the importance of linguistic minorities participating in the Chinese nation as being a central force in terms of identitarian discourse (12/06/2015)  an analysis of Punjabi nationalism and its narratives in Pakistan


Opendemocracy (08/06/2015)  interviews the Italian scholar Federico Campagna on the historical idea of Europe, its current representation, and the EU’s several identities


The Guardian (12/06/2015)examines ideas of Europe as presented by the new leftist movements around the continent and the grounds on which these are elaborated


Daily News (14/06/2015) takes a critical perspective on Erdogan’s government, and the coming battle of the opposition to maintain Turkey’s secular state despite the results of the election

News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at

Sen News Bites 29 – 5 June


The Guardian (5/06/2015) reports on human rights issues and deficiencies in the Pakistani legal system, reflected in copious use of the death sentence, and issues surrounding payment of Diyya or blood money by wealthy perpetrators.


BBC (03/06/2015) looks at growing Russian anti-Western rhetoric, the spreading atmosphere of nationalism, and the impact on its neighbours.


Bangkok Post (03/06/2015)an analysis of Thailand’s treatment of Muslim Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants, in terms of the predominant creeds of nationalism, patriarchy and sexism gradually replacing traditional Buddhist values.


Business report (05/06/2015) reports on the Somali government’s proposal to begin a process of reintegration and reconciliation of militants and terrorists with local communities.


The Guardian (05/06/2015) reports on the political history of Tariq Aziz, its influence on Saddam Hussein’s regime, and his personal influence on Saddam’s decisions in ruling Iraq.

Sen New Bites 21 – 28 May

Kalys image Bishkek

Financial Times (24/05/2015)  reports on a new wave of nationalist fervour in Saudi Arabia following the Yemen campaign, and a growing sense of an active and strong leadership which is breaking with the past.


Open Democracy (26/05/2015)  depicts Georgian Independence Day as an elitist celebration, a cultural symbol of a revived romantic nationalism which is preventing the country’s democratic political development.


Open Democracy (27/05/2015)  reports on how the existence of LGBT movements in Kyrgyzstan is becoming ever more difficult due to a strong conservative nationalist sentiment committed to preserving ‘traditional’ Kyrgyz values and identity. This is witnessed by recent attacks on the LGBT community, which is perceived as a product of Western thought.


South China Morning Post (27/05/2015) features a CEA survey on the extent to which the purchase of Chinese tech gadgets by domestic consumers reflects a nationalistic behaviour aimed at supporting domestic market, or whether this trend is led by secondary reflections.


New York Times (24/05/2015)  proposes a ‘Europeanization’ of Britain, reflected by widespread and growing nationalism, and an increasing tendency towards a multi-party political system.


News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at

Sen News Bites 14 – 20 May



The Diplomat (20/05/2015)  Features the worsten of the situation related to the LGBT community in Kyrgykizstan


Middle East Eye (19/05/2015) Reports on the colourful election campaign of the HDP in Turkey and its links with the PKK.


Radio Free Europe (20/03/2015) Depicts the unraistrained wave of nationalism in the Putin’s era and the propaganda to raise the hopes of revanchist russians


The Guardian (20/05/2015)Features the Spanish regional election as an important prequel to a general election that will be hold later this year, given the dramatic change in the country’s political environment


Council for foreign relations (19/05/2015) Reports the regional issues related to Rohingya, the need for a regional solution and the lack of answer to this still unresolved question


News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at