Call for Papers for an upcoming SEN Special Issue on ‘Science, Technology and the Nation’. Please click here for more details.
Deadline: 31st October 2014
Call for Papers for an upcoming SEN Special Issue on ‘Science, Technology and the Nation’. Please click here for more details.
Deadline: 31st October 2014
Your Middle East (09/10/2014) features an opinion piece reflecting on the challenges facing United Arab Emirates citizens in their efforts to preserve and stay true to their national identity.
Daily Sabah (10/10/2014) reports on the nationalist overtones of the recent contestations in the Turkish Parliament following Parliament’s approval of the decision to send troops to Syria and Iraq.
Ottawa Citizen (10/10/2014) reports the key results of a recent study into ethnic media coverage during recent Canadian elections.
Euronews (11/10/2014) and (12/10/2014) report on the resurgence of nationalism, divisions and the influence of the economic situation on the recent election campaign in Bosnia.
Nigerian Post (14/10/2014) features a summary of a speech by the Bishop of Abuja on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Church of Nigeria focusing on ways to combat ethnic divisions, tribalism and the absence of unity among Nigerians.
Deutsche Welle (14/10/2014) features a series of short interviews with Irish emigrants reflecting on how they feel about their national identity.
News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova
If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at (02/10/2014) reports on the launch of a Race for Opportunity national campaign designed to address the persistent underrepresentation of ethnic minorities in leading business positions in the UK.
ABC News (03/10/2014) reports on a marked increase in plastic surgery procedures among ethnic minorities in the US and reflects on how these cosmetic operations might be linked to attempts to erase ethnic identity.
Myanmar Times (03/10/2014) reports on the confusion between religion and ethnicity in the recent Myanmar census and confirms the delayed publication of the sensitive, ethnicity-related data in May 2015.
William and Mary News (06/10/2014) features an interview with Professor Eric Han reflecting on the history and development of the Chinese community and a distinct Chinese identity in Yokohama. (06/10/2014) features an opinion piece on the relationship between the road to democracy and national holidays in South Africa.
The Japan Times (06/10/2014) features a piece on the capacity of Lebanon to act as a model for managing cultural diversity, pluralism and combatting radicalism in divided societies.
News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova
If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at
Inside Higher Education (24/09/2014) reports the results of a study published in Cultural Diversity & Ethnic Minority Psychology journal suggesting that black women are more likely than white women to show an interest in studying the so called STEM disciplines when they enter college.
The New York Times (25/09/2014) features a piece exploring the possible radicalising influence that the jailing of an Uighur economist is likely to have on further activism in the region. (26/09/2014) summarises a recent speech made by Rwanda’s President, Paul Kagame, emphasising the value and importance of physical security and national identity to conflict resolution and peace building efforts.
The Voice of America (26/09/2014) reports on the conflict in South Sudan taking on distinct ethnic overtones.
The Economist (27/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the impact of the Scottish referendum on the future of politics in the United Kingdom.
The New York Times (29/09/2014) reports on a photographic exhibition at the Madison Museum of Contemporary Art documenting life in unrecognised states around the world.
The Irrawaddy (29/09/2014) reports on renewed clashes between the government and ethnic rebels in Mon state in Myanmar.
News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova
If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at
Peace Day, celebrated on 21 September, calls on the world to lay down its arms for 24 hours and celebrate non-violence.
Mizzima (15/09/2014) reports on the widespread concerns expressed by the leaders of Myanmar over the late release of census data on ethnicity and the implications this significant delay might have for broader issues of political representation.
Business Insider (15/09/2014) reports on the upsurge of ethnic divisions and the potential for societal transformation ahead of the elections in Fiji.
BBC News (17/09/2014) features a video discussing what the Scottish referendum might mean for British national identity.
The Gulf Today (21/09/2014) reports on the opening of a new radio station in the United Arab Emirates specifically aimed at increasing public awareness of indigenous Emirati values, strengthening and promoting national identity.
Guardian Professional (22/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the relationship between poverty and conflict and the contribution of businesses to peace in war-affected zones.
The Guardian (22/09/2014) features an opinion piece on what Britain might learn from German-style federalism in the aftermath of the Scottish referendum.
Open Democracy (22/09/2014) features an opinion piece on the feasibility of the two-state solution in Israel/Palestine.
Deutsche Welle (22/09/2014) features an interview with Andrew Wilder, Afghanistan expert at the United States Institute of Peace, on the role of ethnic divisions in determining the future of the Afghan new national government.
News compiled by Anastasia Voronkova
If you would like to write a response to any of these news stories, please email us at