The Guardian (5/06/2015) reports on human rights issues and deficiencies in the Pakistani legal system, reflected in copious use of the death sentence, and issues surrounding payment of Diyya or blood money by wealthy perpetrators.
BBC (03/06/2015) looks at growing Russian anti-Western rhetoric, the spreading atmosphere of nationalism, and the impact on its neighbours.
Bangkok Post (03/06/2015)an analysis of Thailand’s treatment of Muslim Rohingya and Bangladeshi migrants, in terms of the predominant creeds of nationalism, patriarchy and sexism gradually replacing traditional Buddhist values.
Business report (05/06/2015) reports on the Somali government’s proposal to begin a process of reintegration and reconciliation of militants and terrorists with local communities.
The Guardian (05/06/2015) reports on the political history of Tariq Aziz, its influence on Saddam Hussein’s regime, and his personal influence on Saddam’s decisions in ruling Iraq.