Sen News Bites: 18 – 24 March


Counterpunch (19/03/2015) examines the current political situation in Ukraine, highlighting the lack of an effective democracy and the rise of a nationalist state characterized by political and social violations committed by Ukraine’s power holders.

Al Arabiya (23/03/2015) reports on the evolution of the US–Iranian relationship and Arab countries’ policies in the area in light of the ISIS emergency, and the consequences for the Palestinian cause.

Open Democracy (23/03/2015)  takes a look at the Turkish government’s stance on the country’s women’s movement, and focuses on official gender politics and its rejection of embeddin gender equality into the political agenda.

International Policy Digest (18/03/2015) analyses the rise of the Front National in France, and the increase of the ‘protest vote’ in Europe.

Daily Sabah (22/03/2015)  features an interview with the Kurdish–Iranian academic Abbas Vali concerning the evolution of the reconciliation process and the recognition of Kurdish identity in the time of ISIS.

News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

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About Sabella

I was born in Rome and I am now living in London where I have specialised in International Politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies. Since 2009 I have been working for Stringer Asia - a monthly newspaper relating to the Indian Subcontinent and the surrounding areas. Recently I I have joined the SEN Journal - Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism - as a member of the web team. I produce critical analyses on current issues concerning nationalism and ethnicity.

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