Sen News Bites: 24 February – 2 March 2015


Pro-Palestine demonstrators wearing Netanyahu masks protest in front of the Washington Convention Center [AP]


The Sun Herald (02/03/2015) examines Xi’s warning against ‘Western values’ in the context of the struggle to affect public attitudes, the threat of Chinese cultural supremacy in Hong Kong, and mainland China’s role on the world stage.


Aljazeera (02/03/2015)  looks at the possible future evolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict and its implications for the region.


Open Democracy (26/02/2015) examines four possible options for configuring the future of the UK constitution and considers their implications for parliamentary sovereignty.


TheGuardian(01/03/2015) reports on the complex search for identity through internet and virtual communities of the ‘new Jihadists’, and examines the consequences of their social alienation.


Financial Times (02/03/2015)  reports on recent Russian events, emphasizing Putin’s involvement in creating a climate of nationalist paranoia, drawing on claims of a stronger Western containment of Russia.


News compiled by Sabella Festa Campanile

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About Sabella

I was born in Rome and I am now living in London where I have specialised in International Politics at the School of Oriental and African Studies. Since 2009 I have been working for Stringer Asia - a monthly newspaper relating to the Indian Subcontinent and the surrounding areas. Recently I I have joined the SEN Journal - Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism - as a member of the web team. I produce critical analyses on current issues concerning nationalism and ethnicity.

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