Call for Dissertation Abstracts

The official blog for the journal Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism (SEN), a publication of the Association for the Study of Ethnicity and Nationalism (ASEN), SEN seeks to regularly feature recently defended Ph.D. dissertations in the fields of ethnicity, race, identity, nationalism, and the interactions between these.

We welcome the submission of abstracts (approximately 500 words long) that highlight the contribution of a given doctoral dissertation in these areas. The dissertation must have been defended and may be completed in any language and in any humanities or social sciences discipline since January 2014.

The abstract must be written in English, concisely and clearly including the sources analyzed, theories engaged, methods employed, and main findings or argument.

Abstracts should include:

1. Brief introduction of the author, including name, current affiliation, and other relevant information

2. Title of the dissertation

3. Institution where the dissertation was written and approved

4. Name of dissertation supervisor

5. Year the dissertation was approved

6. An abstract in English

7. Inspiration to undertake this research

8. An in-depth look into one aspect of the dissertation

9. Perspective on the fields of nationalism, ethnicity, and race

10. Reflections on the job market

To submit a dissertation abstract, please send the above information to Junpeng Li at We welcome submissions at any time.

2 thoughts on “Call for Dissertation Abstracts

  1. Pingback: Slovakia’s Second City in Times of Turbulence: Košice and its Hungarians, Eastern Rite Catholics and Steelworkers in 1948, 1968, and 1989

  2. Pingback: Amazigh Culture and Media: Migration and Identity in Songs, Films and Websites – Studies in Ethnicity and Nationalism blog

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